Hi all, 3 days down and 3360 QSO's into the log.
Heat not the issue today but the wind is. Hope everything holds together.
Only managed 3 hours sleep again because 20m stayed open to Europe until 1930 UTC (600am local) and then I had to be awake by 2300 UTC for 10m which was open to NA until 0200 UTC.
Feeling REALLY REALLY REALLY exhausted but at least the risk of heat stroke is gone with the cooler weather today and tomorrow.
The auto CQ button on the Icom IC7000 is my most treasured possession right now :)
If you are not in the log then dont worry I'll keep calling CQ CQ no matter what because the band openings to different parts of the world are so variable. This is my favourite part of the DXpedition because the logs are under my belt and the pile ups are very manageable and sometimes non-existent so that people with low power and modest antennas have a chance to get through.
PLAN FOR REST OF TODAY - this is based on what happened last night where:
- 10m was open to Europe from 0700 to 1100 (especially 0800 onwards)
- even though there were no pile ups to North America, I had reports of booming signals on 20m when I was there at 1200 UTC and I found a large amount of OH, LA and SM's calling as well because it wasn't open to southern Europe until after 1400
- from 1400-1900 UTC band was wide open to all of Europe and after 1730 I worked a huge number of UK stations.
So here's what I'm thinking of doing today:
0500-0700 UTC: Just resting and a little bit of calling CQ on 15m SSB
0700-1000 UTC: 10m SSB for Europe/Asia. If 10m isn't open then I'll be on 15m SSB
1000-1230 UTC: 15m SSB for Europe/Asia. If 10m is open I'll still be there though
1230-1900 UTC: 20m SSB for North America/Europe/Asia
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